The Core Consulting Service
PR Capabilities & Understanding
These are quick list of core PR experience and capabilities.

Media Relations
Leverages tools such as press releases to newsworthy attention and ultimately media coverage for your company. This begins with story development and that starts with a solid marketable product. There is no PR that can turnaround a bad product done at the wrong time and with poor leadership. But, if you have the opposite of this, then you likely have a story we can use to make you visible to your target audiences. This is also the most effective way to impact SEO and general online visibility.

Authentic Link Building
Google has pretty much said if you want to show up high on their results for searches, then be sure high-quality sites are linking to yours, and their own SEO leaders have specifically mentioned news sites as the top way. So, this means news / media sites that are visited by customers you’re targeting because they value such insights about your company or products. Win the media’s attention and this starts to shape link-building in a truly authentic way.

Press Releases
Many companies today make the mistake of trying to use press releases only for SEO, pumping out meaningless press release after press release. While strategically written content in a press release can help shape SEO, don’t forget that getting media to write what’s in your press release is the ultimate SEO win. It is also the long-standing understanding that this is the sole purpose of a press release, not SEO. Press releases were invented for media coverage, not SEO.

SEO-Optimized Web Content
Almost all content on all pages and posts done online can benefit from SEO optimizations. But, make sure the optimization is elegantly done in a way that keeps users reading your pages and posts. If they don’t engage, then your SEO suffers by people leaving fast. SEO guidelines on how to write often and at length are counter-productive to this goal.

Analyst Relations
Some companies can benefit from industry analyst relations. Industry analysts must be aware of industry occurrences, which means industry players. So, if you’re relevant, you should be sure industry analysts are consistently aware of you, specifically to affect their market report coverage that should include you as a relevant player.

Product Review Programs
The value of product review programs – getting those five-star rating and editor’s choice wins – is quite well know among marketers. But, don’t forget the PR and SEO values these also provide. If a product review program is applicable for your brand, we’ll uncover it and suggest a program for editorial reviews.

Contributed Article Programs
This is not to be confused with blog guest posts hopeful of influencing SEO. Writing an article to have published in key trade magazines can be a fruitful endeavor for B2B companies. They provide proof of industry thought leadership and potential customer leads. At the very least, they lead to PR and SEO wins. A contributed article generally has more impact on SEO than a blog guest post.

Speaker Programs
While most industry events are pay-to-play, if you have executive thought leaders that should be heard, we’ll be sure to explore it and help position them for success to speak at key trade events. Content from such event speakerships can often be repurposed for other PR campaigns as well.

Strategic Positioning
Whether you need to establish a market position or re-position your existing one, PR is the starting point. We’ll work to create the new key messaging to influence the market and drive home desired market perceptions.